My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
How are you? It has been awhile since I blogged. No excuses. Really. I was a little side tracked, sick, the wind was blowing the wrong way, and the sun was in my eyes. Sorry. Ok, maybe one or two excuses. What is missing from the title of this blog?
The pandemic and its consequences have really taken a toll on the church. Social distancing has kept us apart to the point that some folks feel safer and more comfortable staying away from church. Yes, we are online in several different ways such as FaceBook, Youtube, and Zoom, not to mention a few other ways. But the attendance numbers are down overall. I have heard that from a number of pastors. I get it. Once you are out of the habit of attending church it is very hard to get back into it. What we need to do is to ask ourselves why we go to church in the first place. Among the many reasons we go to church, chief among them should be, "to worship God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit". For those of you who have children and/or grandchildren that you actually love, let me ask you this, "Do you get excited when the kids come to visit?" I know I do. I love when our children come to our house and bring their children with them. I actually straighten the place up and make sure we have food they like to eat on hand. When they get here I like to just watch them interact with each other and with Grams. It warms my heart. Just thinking about it puts smile on my face.
Imagine how God feels when we come to church or when we spend time in prayer talking to just Him. Reading the Bible shows that we care about Jesus. Helping others shows that we believe in what the Bible says. All these things connect us with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Put a smile on God's face by coming to church this weekend. I know it would make us feel better. We miss you. God loves you and so do I.
Pastor Bruce