We Need Consistency

Hi My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

What a mess!  We are living in an age of 'mixed signals' and they are coming from everyone.  CDC tells us to clean surfaces because of germs, then CDC says the germs don't last on surfaces very long.  Get vaccinated but live like you weren't vaccinated.  A stimulus bill is coming soon, a stimulus bill is being talked about, a stimulus bill needs voted on, a stimulus bill is what our economy needs, a stimulus bill is not good for our economy, a stimulus bill...  He/she did it.  He/she did not do it(politics).  Police are bad, police are good.  We are being bombarded with commercials about medicines that we need, but beware of their bad side effects.  After hearing the side affects I always wonder who in their right mind would buy such a product.  What can we say about clergy?  What should we say?  The abuse!  Churches preach unity and love yet they are splitting the church and going their separate ways.  "There is no shadow of turning with God"  so says James 1:17.  There are no mixed messages with God.  Jesus is the answer to all of our problems.  Jesus is the solution to the predicament of our sin.  Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven, always was, always will be. We need consistency in our lives emotionally as well as physically.  Spin doctors are tearing our society apart.  Fear and confusion are the norm in this day and age.  Okay, now I am venting.  It is because of my frustrations(another characteristic of this day and age).  So many things, too many things, out of my control.  The economy, the Truth, politics, wars on the television as they happen, pandemic, and so on.  Grrrrr!  We definitely need Jesus.  John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you.  I do not give as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  Yep, I may not be able to get the same reports on the news 2 days in a row, but I can always count on Jesus being there for me and loving me.  God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  Therein lies our hope.  Turn to Jesus Christ in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.  God loves you and so do I.

Praise the Lord,

Pastor Bruce